Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Back to Basics

Hey Everyone,

I know it's been a while since I've made a post. The past couple of weeks have just been a roller coaster of events. I'm hanging on, thankful that Jesus has been my seat belt this whole time, cuz I'm sure if He wasn't I would have fallen off this ride a long time ago.

Teaching has been interesting. I must be very honest with you though, I KNOW I definitely DO NOT want to do this for the rest of my life. Mommy, I have a new found respect for you. I tell you my biggest challenge so far has been to keep things simple. I don't if this happens to you all, but because I've learnt so much other stuff, I have to be careful I don't give the children too much unnecessary information. But, a friend showed me one of the valuable lessons the Lord is teaching me and that is "Keep it Simple". You many times we really complicate our lives with all kinds of things but God just wants us to stick to the basics.

Friends, sometimes it's very hard to put into words how I feel. This time is definitely one of warfare for me. Somedays I feel like my whole world is about to collapse. It's almost as if I can feel the demonic oppression around me. I know that right now I'm in a battle for my very life. But I'm determined to win at all costs. I refuse to let the enemy rob me of the plan God has for my life. I declare publicly that I will be victorious in Jesus name. And because of the victory Jesus has given me, the only way I can lose is to give up.

In the meantime, while I wait on the Lord, I choose to be content where He has placed me. I'm even going to audition for the choir at church.........can u imagine that? At first I felt like I was taking on too many things, but I know that God has given me my talent and I must use it for His honor and glory.

I hope this entry has encouraged you. My love and prayers are with you all.

God Bless You,



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